The Ladies of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Martha Hackett as Sub-Commander T'Rul
Return to Star Trek:
Deep Space Nine
Sub-Commander T'Rul, a member of the Romulan Tal-Shiar, joins the crew of the USS Defiant when it goes to the Gamma Quadrant to locate the Founders, the leaders of the Dominion (The Search). The mission is to contact the Founders and assure of the Federation's peaceful intentions. T'Rul is aboard the Defiant to oversee the operation of the cloaking device on loan to the Federation. The device is for use only in the Defiant and only in the Gamma Quadrant, in exchange for any information gathered concerning the exploration of the Gamma Quadrant. The initial implication is that she would be a part of the crew of the Defiant, because only Romulans know how the cloaking device works. She never appeared again; the Federation must learn quickly.
Martha Hackett, born 21 February 1959, plays the Bajoran Ensign Seska, Cardassian spy Seska beautifully. She serves as Captain Janeway's arch-nemesis, only because that role suits her purposes. Her main goal is to return to the Alpha Quadrant and she doesn't care who she has to ally herself with, or sleep with, to achieve that goal. Martha Hackett says, "She is not altogether bad. She just wants to get the USS Voyager home and won't let a point of principle (Starfleet's guiding canon, The Prime Directive) stand in her way. Seska has a genuine affection for particular people on the ship. She really does care for Chakotay and Torres. I also do think that she feels misunderstood because, after all, she is a Cardassian; and with Cardassians you're never sure of what they're going to do next!" Martha is no stranger to the Star Trek Universe or the infamous make-up chair. She starred as the Romulan Sub-Commander T'Rul in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine two-part episode, The Search, and appeared as a Klingon in the CD-ROM game Star Trek: Klingon. Hackett believed there was plenty of room for further development for her character. "I think there's a lot of mileage to be had in her relationship with Chakotay," she said. "I also think there's room for her to come back in a friendly way. I don't think she gives a hoot about the Kazon and hopefully they'll come up with a way for her to come back and still be a bit cagey. I really like the way they have Garak on Deep Space Nine. I mean, he's there on the station but you're never completely sure about him. I don't think Seska could ever be that trusted again if she returned to the USS Voyager, but she could be valuable to its crew." Star Trek Voyager's second season cliff-hanger, Basics Part 1, ends with Seska and the Kazon in control of the USS Voyager. The prospect of Seska staying in the Captain's chair is non-existent, but Martha Hackett is very be happy to be a part of the Star Trek franchise. "It's been great fun and a great experience," she states. "The Star Trek series aren't just ordinary shows. They're part of television history. They mean something special to a lot of people; they really do give viewers a lot to think about. When I go into the Star Trek chat areas on the Internet, I realize that people watch the show really carefully, and have a lot of fun with it. So for me, it's great to be a part of Star Trek: Voyager. Star Trek is a phenomenon and I've always had a great time with the crew and cast while making Star Trek: Voyager. And you can't really ask for more than that!" Martha actually has very little experience in front of the camera. She is originally from Needham, Massachusetts, a Boston suburb. She attended Radcliffe University and majored in English, but a life long love of acting made her head west to attend the University of Southern California School of Performing Arts, where she earned her master's degree. She became a part of the Pacific Ensemble Theater, and a long list of stage and theater credits followed. "I still consider myself more of a stage actress than anything else", she says. "There is nothing like the energy of a live audience when a play is going really well. I have to say I'm much more comfortable and have a lot more experience working in the theater, but that only makes TV more intriguing to me, because it's a challenge. I'm only just now getting accustomed to acting before a camera, and I have to thank Star Trek for helping make me more comfortable. However, I'm still not quite used to looking at myself on TV; being able to review my work is still an odd thing for me." Her film credits include Mrs Knox in Never Been Kissed (1999); Paula in Music From Another Room (1998); Nora Walsh in One Night Stand (1995); Muriel in In the Heat of Passion II: Unfaithful (1994); The Detective in Leprechaun 2 (1994); and Kroghe in Carnosaur (1993). Television credits include Mother May in The Last Man On Planet Earth (1999); Kelly Monroe in the Touched by an Angel episode, Crisis of Faith (1997); and The Nurse in Flight of Black Angel (1991).
See Some Photos of Martha Hackett