The Ladies of Star Trek: Voyager

Suzie Plakson as Female Q


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Female Q is the lover of a billion-years of the well-known Q entity.  The USS Voyager crew witnesses several rare supernova explosions, and Q arrives in the Captain's quarters to implore the outraged Janeway to conceive his child. A jealous female Q soon pops up to bring Q back to the Continuum.  Voyager is hit by shock waves from the supernovas, and Q escapes to the Continuum with Captain Janeway, leaving the Female Q without her unlimited powers aboard a stranded USS Voyager.  Kathryn Janeway discovers the true reason Q is desperate to procreate; for the continuation of the Q continuum.  Q represents the continuum for Captain Janeway as the Confederate south in 1861, and she finds herself dressed as a southern belle, fortified inside an elegant manor house with Q, amidst the Continuum's civil war.  The Female Q, stranded on Voyager, attempts to teach the crew the method needed to get to the continuum before the supernovas caused by the continuum's civil war destroy the ship and the universe.  She finally succeeds, and arrives "with the cavalry" just in time.   Not only does Janeway see that Q can be physically injured, she realizes that mating among the Q is unprecedented and that the fulfillment of Q's plan to have a baby is the only way to avert the destruction of the Continuum.  Female Q obviously objects to Q's choice of Captain Janeway and conceives a child with Q herself.   The conception of the child, Q style, is shown uncensored; their index fingertips touch, and it's over!

See Some Photos of Female Q
See Some Photos of Female Q

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Suzie Plakson is a native of Buffalo, New York, who grew up in Kingston, Pennsylvania.  She stands 6' 11/2", and is probably the tallest woman to guest star in any Star Trek series.  She went to the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts at age 15, and "got hooked (on acting) for life."  Suzie then attended Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, for 3 years.  Her television experience includes her voice in the Family Guy episodes, My Son Also Draws and A Hero Sits Next Door (1999); Joan in the Mad About You episode, Fire at Riff's (1998); Doctor Joan in the Mad About You episode, Speed Baby (1997);  Meg Tynan in the Double Rush episode, Comings and Goings (1995); Love and War as The Sportswriter (1992-1995); and the voices of Thighs of Thunder in Dinosaurs episode 33, Sally in Dinosaurs episode 44, and Elder #3 in Dinosaurs episode 54 (1991); in addition to her appearances in Star Trek: The Next Generation as Doctor Selar in the episode, The Schizoid Man and K'Ehleyr in the episodes The Emissary and Reunion and in Star Trek: Voyager as the Female Q in the episode The Q and the Grey.   Suzie was also seen on stage at Theater La Bete as Marquise Therese Du Parc in Stop the World, I Want to Get Off (1991).  Her film credits include Grace in Wag the Dog (1997); Mary Anne Hunter in Disclosure (1994); Ginger in Bingo! (1991); and Tenley in My Stepmother Is an Alien (1988).  She says of her first Star Trek convention, "It was much bigger than I had expected.  I knew nothing about fandom until then.   I've since learned there's this whole society out there with a mythology they're involved in."  Suzie Plakson had never seen an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation before she was hired for her guest appearance as Doctor Selar.  But she had watched many of the original Star Trek episodes with her brother Michael.  Suzie has taught acting to youngsters and also taught English as a second language in Los Angeles.  "I found teaching was a wonderful, transformation experience.  I had my own United Nations, people from all over the world."

See Some Photos of Suzie Plakson
See Some Photos of Suzie Plakson

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