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Favorite Voyager Lady


Who is Your Favorite Voyager Lady?

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Click on an image below to go to that character's biography page.
Follow links on individual pages to see photos of that actress or character.

Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew)   Kate Mulgrew as Captain Kathryn Janeway

B-Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson)   Roxann Dawson as Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres

Kes (Jennifer Ann Lien)   Jennifer Ann Lien as Kes

Seven of Nine (Jeri Lynn Ryan)   Jeri Lynn Ryan as Seven of Nine: Tertiary Adjunct of Uni-Matrix Zero One

Seska (Martha Hackett)  Martha Hackett as Ensign Seska/Seska

Female Q (Suzie Plakson)    Suzie Plakson as Female Q

Nimira (Gwyneth Walsh)    Gwyneth Walsh as Chief Examiner Nimira

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Meanwhile, Paramount was in the process of launching the United Paramount Network (UPN), which it had tried to do   unsuccessfully in the 1970s.  The unfilmed second series, Star Trek II, which later became Star Trek: The Motion Picture, was to have been the anchor.  Now they needed a new series to anchor the network.  What could be better than another Star Trek series?  Rick Berman, Michael Piller, and Jeri Taylor put on their creative hats.  Their answer, Star Trek: Voyager, premiered in January 1995 on the new United Paramount Network.

This third spin-off series from Gene Roddenberry's classic Star Trek featured numerous major changes, but it left the background familiar to fans.  The USS Voyager is the first starship that can actually land on and take off from the surface of a planet.  It has a new warp drive that does not damage the space-time continuum.  

STAR TREK: Voyager first aired in January 1995 with Caretaker.  The USS Voyager was assigned to pursue and capture a renegade Maquis ship commanded by former Starfleet Commander Chakotay, a Maquis.  Lieutenant (now Lieutenant Commander) Tuvok, a Vulcan and Chief of Security of the the USS Voyager had infiltrated the crew and was aboard the renegade ship.  The Maquis ship disappeared in the "Badlands" and the USS Voyager followed.  They began a battle, but both ships were caught in a vortex and transported 70,000 light years to the delta quadrant.  A super being known as the "Caretaker" was looking for a replacement to care for the Ocampa, and was responsible.  He died before transporting them back to the alpha quadrant.  The Maquis ship was lost in a battle with Kazon ships, but its crew was rescued by the USS Voyager, commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway.  The two crews were united under Captain Janeway, with Commander Chakotay as First Officer.  Their joint mission; return to the alpha quadrant and home!  A 75-year trip - hope they find a shortcut before they all die!

The USS Voyager NCC 74656 is staffed by Kate Mulgrew as Captain Kathryn Janeway; Robert Beltran as Commander Chakotay, a native American Starfleet officer who joined the Maquis; Tim Russ as Lieutenant (now Lieutenant Commander) Tuvok, the Vulcan Chief of Security; Robert Duncan McNeill as Lieutenant Thomas Eugene Paris, the son of a Starfleet admiral; Roxann Dawson as Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres, the half Klingon-half human Chief of Engineering; Garrett Wang as Ensign Harry Kim, on his first mission out of Starfleet Academy; Robert Picardo as the holographic doctor; Ethan Phillips as Neelix, a Talaxian junk-collector who joins the crew as guide, cook, and all-around handyman; and Jennifer Lien as Neelix's girlfriend, Kes, an Ocampa who joined the crew with Neelix and trained with the doctor to be his nurse.  Kes left the USS Voyager when she evolved to a higher level of existence and became a danger to the ship and crew.

Star Trek: Voyager has never been a hit, but it is the longest-running surviving series on UPN.  It occasionally breaks into the top 100 rated shows on television.  But Star Trek: Voyager has earned a niche for itself in the Star Trek universe.

What the future holds no one knows, but as a dedicated Trekker, I say the more the merrier!

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